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The new electric sanitation garbage transfer vehicle will replace the old garbage truck and become the mainstream of the market.
 Jun 06, 2023|View:198

Three reasons why new electric sanitation vehicles are imperative to replace old garbage trucks: With the continuous development of new energy sources, strong support from national policies, rapid development of township construction, and strict control of environmental quality, new electric sanitation vehicles will be A dark horse in the sanitation market. According to market research, the current sales of new electric sanitation vehicles have become the mainstream trend, occupying a large share of the sanitation market. Why can the new electric sanitation vehicle become the new darling of the sanitation market so quickly? Next, let's talk about the advantages of the new electric sanitation trucks that are imperative to replace the old garbage trucks.

1. Economical and practical

As a representative of new energy, pure electric sanitation vehicles are not only economical and cost-effective compared to old-fashioned fuel-based garbage trucks, but also have no secondary pollution. The step of refueling is also saved during use. It is used during the day and charged at night. The operation is simple, and the later maintenance is also convenient, without delaying working hours.

Regardless of whether it is used as a government procurement or an enterprise unit, the first consideration is the purchase price of the sanitation vehicle and the maintenance cost in the future. Obviously, the new electric sanitation vehicle is even better.

In the severe situation of air pollution control, zero emission of carbon dioxide is also an important consideration in the purchase of sanitation vehicles, and the exhaust emitted by old-fashioned fuel-based garbage vehicles can not only increase the heat of the air, but also release carbon dioxide that is more garbage in the air, so , While cleaning up the garbage, it does not produce any secondary pollution.

2. Safety and reliability

As far as the age of the employees in the sanitation industry is concerned, most of them are aging, and the working environment and driving conditions are relatively complicated. Therefore, the driving requirements of electric sanitation vehicles are low, and the advantages of easy operation are even more valuable.

Compared with fuel vehicles, electric sanitation vehicles are easier to drive, have lower requirements on the driver's operation, and have a higher safety factor during driving, which is more in line with the general situation of aging sanitation workers. And in a complex working environment, the self-unloading electric garbage truck, compared with the fuel garbage truck, the electric sanitation truck stops at any time, it is convenient to park, has low noise, and is more suitable for garbage removal in streets, alleys, and property communities. Work.

The semi-enclosed cab of the new electric sanitation vehicle can keep out wind and rain, provide sanitation workers with a good driving environment, and improve the safety factor on the way.

3. Efficient and convenient

The new electric sanitation vehicle not only uses zero-emission pure electric power as energy, but also uses a fully mechanical automatic operation mode in the process of garbage disposal compared with the purely manual loading and unloading of old-fashioned garbage trucks, which greatly improves the work of garbage removal. efficiency.

(1) Light and no manual operation is required, the trash can is automatically lifted to empty the trash, no manual loading is required, saving time and effort, and improving sanitation work efficiency.

(2) The whole car is self-unloading at a large angle, dumping all the garbage at one time, completely liberating the heavy unloading workload of the sanitation workers, greatly reducing the work intensity of the sanitation workers, not only saving time, but also saving manpower.

(3) Closed compartment, convenient and free of secondary pollution, easy to collect bagged garbage on street facades, clean up as you go, efficient and convenient. Compared with the old-fashioned open-top garbage trucks, the closed compartment can completely prevent garbage from flying with the wind and dropping garbage while walking. What the new electric sanitation vehicles need to do is to clean up the streets thoroughly after the garbage is cleaned up.

(4) Brand-new design, reasonable collocation, no matter what kind of domestic garbage the new electric sanitation truck is cleaning and transporting, compared with the old-fashioned garbage truck, it can achieve no secondary pollution during transportation.

To sum up, compared with the old-fashioned fuel vehicles, the new electric sanitation vehicles not only stand out in economical practicability, safety and reliability, high efficiency and convenience, but also stand out in appearance, with multi-element matching and new colors. Addition will make the market value of new electric sanitation vehicles even better, and it is imperative for new electric sanitation vehicles to replace old garbage trucks